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Child Friendly Magick

For a child friendly ritual, certain things cannot be. For instance, a flame is considered dangerous, although it can be helpful in magick as well as meditation, but can hurt someone who doesn’t know how to be careful around them.

An alternative to flames for meditation:

Meditation can be difficult for younglings, so you likely want something stimulating to their senses.

  • Essential Oils for scent

  • Water or dirt for elemental senses

Child Friendly Topics of Spells:

Avoid spells that have to do with romance, violence, or anything that feels wrong for your child’s wellbeing. 

Here are some examples of age-friendly ideas for rituals or spells:

  • Concentration aid

  • Creativity aid

  • Health aid

  • Grief aid

  • Self love aid

  • Calming aid


Do not consume or inhale anything that is not approved by the FDA or grown in a trustworthy manner, and be aware of a child's allergies and illnesses before allowing them to handle or consume ingredients to your spells


Calming aid:



Concentration aid:

Tiger’’s Eye

Clear Quart

Green Aventurine

Creativity aid:

Tigers Eye

Clear Quartz

Green Aventurine

Self Love aid:

Rose Quartz

Rose Petals

Health aid:

Green Aventurine

Grief aid:


Snowflake Obsidian