Child Friendly Magick

Child-friendly magic is a delightful gateway into the enchanting world of the metaphysical, opening the door to wonder, imagination, and creativity for young minds. By introducing children to the principles of magic in a safe and accessible manner, we can nurture their natural curiosity and encourage them to explore their surroundings with a sense of awe. From simple spells and playful rituals to the study of crystals, herbs, and the elements, child-friendly magic empowers youngsters to develop their intuition and connection to the universe. It's about fostering a sense of joy and wonder, helping them discover the magic that already exists within themselves and the world around them.

When introducing children to common metaphysical rituals, it's essential to emphasize foundational practices that ensure both safety and mindfulness. Teaching fire safety is paramount, especially when using candles or incense during ceremonies. Children should learn to maintain a safe distance, keep combustibles away from flames, and understand the importance of supervision. Equally vital is the concept of being still and present, which fosters a deeper connection to the ritual. Encouraging children to find their center, embrace quietude, and observe the energies around them nurtures patience and focus. These basic principles lay the groundwork for a respectful and enriching metaphysical experience.

meditation for littles

When you think of someone meditating, it’s usually not a child, and that’s for good reason! It requires physical and mental discipline. It requires practice. The best time to learn is when you are a developing child. No matter what age, here are some tips and tricks to help younglings in mastering meditation.

  • Introducing subtle yet stimulating elements to a child's immediate senses can be a magical way to anchor them in meditation.

    • By using essential oils like lavender or chamomile, children can experience soothing scents that promote relaxation and focus.

    • A small bowl of water for gazing invites them to observe the gentle ripples, allowing their minds to wander while still anchoring their attention.

    • Incorporating tactile experiences like smooth stones or soft dirt encourages them to explore texture, fostering a deeper connection to their environment.

    • Create a serene environment by playing soft instrumental music or nature sounds, like chirping birds or gentle raindrops, to help guide your child into a calm and meditative state.

    • These sensory cues create a nurturing atmosphere, transforming meditation into an engaging adventure that excites curiosity and stills the mind.

Child Friendly Topics:

When introducing little ones to the enchanting world of magic and metaphysics, it's essential to keep things fun and engaging! Child-friendly spells and rituals can include simple practices that are meaningful.

Create a "wishing jar," where children can write down their hopes and dreams on colorful paper, then bury the jar in the backyard to let the universe work its magic.

Crafting nature altars with found objects like leaves, stones, and flowers can foster a sense of connection to the earth while teaching gratitude.

Creating mood or emotion-specific mojo-bags by filling a special bag with herbs, crystals, and anything else to foster strength and positivity in any area.

Incorporating playful elements like moon phases or seasonal celebrations into rituals can spark creativity, allowing children to express their imaginations and understand the rhythms of nature.

Always remember, the joy of exploration is the most magical part of the journey!


Do not consume or inhale anything that is not approved by the FDA or grown in a trustworthy manner, and be aware of a child's allergies and illnesses before allowing them to handle or consume ingredients to your spells

Quick Reference for Child Friendly Ingredients:

Calming aid:



Concentration aid:

Tiger’s Eye

Clear Quart

Green Aventurine

Creativity aid:



Bay Leaves


Creativity aid:

Tigers Eye

Clear Quartz

Green Aventurine

Self Love aid:

Rose Quartz

Rose Petals

Health aid:

Green Aventurine

Grief aid:


Snowflake Obsidian


Indigo Children