Indigo Children

Indigo Children: A Deeper Dive

Indigo Children are individuals believed to possess special, supernatural, or spiritual traits. The concept emerged in the 1970s and gained popularity in New Age circles. But what exactly does it mean to be an Indigo Child?

Indigo Children are said to embody characteristics that set them apart from others. They are often described as highly intuitive, incredibly creative, empathetic souls driven by an inherent sense of purpose. The term “Indigo Children” originates from the work of Nancy Ann Tappe, who observed that many children’s auras appeared to display an indigo color. Tappe's insight ignited a philosophical movement that continues to intrigue and perplex people to this day.

The Traits of Indigo Children

Those who identify as Indigo Children may exhibit a range of striking attributes that distinguish them from their peers.

  • Heightened Intuition: Many Indigo Children possess an innate ability to sense the emotions and intentions of others, often described as empathic understanding. This nuanced emotional perception enables them to navigate social dynamics with a perceptive grace, although it can also lead to emotional overwhelm.

  • Unbridled Creativity: These children often have vivid imaginations and may express themselves artistically in unusual ways. Their creativity stems not just from a desire to create, but from a compulsion to communicate their unique perspectives on life.

  • Strong Sense of Purpose: Indigo Children often feel a calling to engage in meaningful work that contributes positively to the world. This sense of mission can be an immense drive, pushing them to take stands on social issues or pursue careers that align with their values.

  • Resistance to Authority: They may challenge conventional wisdom, often questioning established systems and protocols. This trait can lead to difficulties within traditional educational and workplace environments, where their unconventional thinking patterns may not be readily accepted.

The Spiritual Mission

Proponents of the Indigo Children concept argue that these individuals have come into this world with a mission to usher humanity towards a higher state of consciousness. It is believed that their unique energies can catalyze healing, foster deeper connections among people, and inspire transformative change. They might lead movements that promote peace, understanding, and love, acting as pioneers in an evolving spiritual landscape.

The Controversial Reception

That being said, the notion of Indigo Children is not without its critics. Detractors assert that the idea is rooted in a lack of scientific validation. This skepticism raises an important question: Are we labeling normal variations in personality as something extraordinary? Critics argue that parents may overlook genuine developmental issues their children might face, mistaking them for traits associated with being an Indigo Child. The fine line between identifying a child’s spiritual uniqueness and recognizing potential challenges is crucial for parents to navigate.

Finding Comfort in the Concept

Despite the controversy, many find solace in the Indigo Children narrative. For some, it offers an explanation for feelings of isolation or being misunderstood in a world that often prioritizes conformity. The concept may resonate deeply with individuals who feel “different” or disconnected from mainstream societal norms, encouraging them to embrace their uniqueness.

As we explore the intriguing world of Indigo Children, we invite you to reflect on your own experiences and those of the children in your life. Whether you view this concept through a spiritual lens or perhaps see value in the qualities associated with it, the Indigo narrative invites us to celebrate diversity in all its forms. Every individual, regardless of designation, contributes to the rich tapestry of human experience.

Join us at The Craft Shoppe as we delve into metaphysical discussions, deepen our understanding of unique life paths, and nurture our creative spirits!


The Reborn


Child Friendly Magick